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With the IQUBE MINI 3D Scanner, full-color 3D scanning can be done in 3 seconds with an accuracy of 0.9 mm in 3 seconds.


With this system, 3D images of your feet can be accessed and you can monitor your treatment and development process by recording this data in the digital environment.


For application centers, we can start to the producing process of personalized insoles design in a computer environment, through 3D data that you will send us over the network.

How Does the System Work?


1. On the scanner, scanning activity is activated at a full-weight or semi-load position.

2. Foot and sole analysis is done in computer environment with our expert foot health teams.

3. Designed according to the needs of the person

and insoles are manufactured with variable hardness material.

What are the Benefits of the System?

We can learn what kind of sole structure you have and thus offer the most accurate insoles treatment.


We can follow up and observe the treatment and recovery processes of people with foot health problems, especially children.


In light of the scientific data obtained, we can contribute positively to your doctors' effective treatment process.


All you have to do is


You can come directly to our center or go to an application center with our nearest screening device and get your Free Foot Analysis and get detailed information about your base structure.


For Application Centers;


It is enough to have an IQube MINI 3D Scanner that we offer with suitable payment terms and to send us scanned 3D images over the network.

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